Sunday, August 31, 2014

My Workout Diary: Day 1 - Cardio

So today was my first day doing the 30 day fitness challenge. Today was a cardio day. I did the Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn workout that I found after a search on Youtube for cardio work outs.

My review of the workout: You'll see a lot of Youtube comments under this video saying that it's super easy. I wouldn't go that far! I found it challenging. But remember, I'm starting here after not working out at all for almost a year. So, I'm at a "no-fitness" level, right now. (That's going to change, though!)

I did find that the excercises themselves are relatively easy. There's jump squats, jump rope (without the rope) jumping jacks, mountain climbers, burpees. They put a lot of recovery marching in between the high intensity stuff so you do have time to catch your breath.

How I felt: I told myself that, no matter what, I wasn't going to sit down during the workout and I didn't. So, I'm pretty proud of that. At one point my chest hurt really badly and that was a bit worrying. But it passed pretty quickly. It's something that I will have to be mindful of in the future, though.

All in all, I think this is a good workout for me to start with after a long period of no excercise. Looking forward to doing it a couple more times during the week.

Week 1 Fitness Challenge Workout

Today's Fitness Inspo Pic

Here's the breakdown of the workouts I will be doing this week for the fitness challenge. My plan is to alternate between strength training and cardio

Day 1: Cardio: The Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn 

Day 2: Fitness Blender's Weight Training Workout For Weight Loss

Day 3 : Cardio:  The Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn

Day 4: Toning: Ballet Barre Workout
Day 5: Cardio:  The Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn

Day 6: Functional Strength Training: Beginner Plyometrics
Day 7: Cardio:  The Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn

Day 8: Yoga

September Challenge: Work Everyday For 30 Days.

I've realised that my challenges have to be extreme for me to actually get excited about doing them. So my September challenge is to:


My overall goal for the next year is to be in the best shape of my life. I've been working on visualisation and including that into my hotness routine. So this is my fitness vision board.

Fitness Inspo Collage

I'm ready! Who's ready to take this journey with me.

What is Hotness?

Hotness definition:

Hotness is that feeling of confidence that you have when you know that you are living your best life

Why am I pursuing hotness?

In the past couple weeks I've been realising that I had been worrying so much about life, money and the state of my business that I hadn't been taking care of myself. Now I feel my inner resolve failing and my business and finances feel like they're on life support

I can't let this happen.

I have to use the energy that I do have to make a change in my life. I want to change the way I think. Reprogram my life so that I can really go after those goals that I want to achieve.

How am I going to do this?

In the next 3 months I'm going to direct my focus on a core element that I want to improve. And I'm going to be sharing my journey here.

September: Fitness
October: Spirituality
November: Financial Knowledge

At the end of each month I'll make a video showing my progress. I'm excited! Let's do this!