Thursday, September 4, 2014

Workout Diary Day 5: Cardio: "Excuses, Excuses"

I wish I looked so serene when doing cardio!
Today was hard. I just was not in the mood to work out. I made excuses for about 1 hr just so that I could avoid working out.

Excuse 1: "I have so much other work to do"

Excuse 2: "I'm tired"

Excuse 3: "My body hurts"

And so on.

But eventual i thought, "I don't want to be the punk who quits on the 5th day of the challenge." I have some pride, after all!

So I got up, put on my sneakers and grabbed my water and did my cardio. I have to admit that I stopped it a couple times and I did sit down.. ok more like lay down, for a minute. But I kept going and completed the thirty minute workout.

I feel good about that. But I'm wondering how I can mentally strengthen myself to help me continue to do it. How do you keep motivated to keep working out?

PS. I also challenged myself to make videos about my progress, every five days. This vid is less than perfect but I don't want to be paralysed by a quest for perfection. So, here it is, in all its imperfect glory!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Workout Diary: Day 4: Toning Ballet Barre Workout

Do ballerinas even sweat?They have to because this ballet barre workout really gets the heart rate going. I was surprised to be dripping with sweat by the time it was over. The moves are simple but you can really feel them working your body especially the muscles behind the legs. I started to really feel tired with 6 minutes left to go, so I started cheating on the moves a little bit.

But I didn't sit down, that's important!

26 more days to go!

 Learn more about my 30 day  exercise challenge here!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Workout Diary Day 3: Cardio

I did the Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn again today. I had more energy during the workout today which was great. I started feeling really tired at about the 17 minute mark. Mild chest pains started around the10 minute mark. All in all,I'm happy with my progress so far.The hardest thing about working out is showing up and I've been doing that so far.

27 days to go!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Fitness Inspiration Pic of the Day

Nicole Chaplin- Fitness Model, Author and Trainer

Workout Dairy Day 2: Strength Training: Fitness Blender Weight Training Workout for Weight Loss

My review of this work out: I was surprised that I sweat as much as I did during this workout. I was literally dripping sweat by the second circuit. I was almost completely tired by the third. But I like that this is a full body workout. I wish that they had included a warm-up and cool-down routine so I could do everything with one video. But all in all I really like this workout video and I look forward to doing it again.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

My Workout Diary: Day 1 - Cardio

So today was my first day doing the 30 day fitness challenge. Today was a cardio day. I did the Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn workout that I found after a search on Youtube for cardio work outs.

My review of the workout: You'll see a lot of Youtube comments under this video saying that it's super easy. I wouldn't go that far! I found it challenging. But remember, I'm starting here after not working out at all for almost a year. So, I'm at a "no-fitness" level, right now. (That's going to change, though!)

I did find that the excercises themselves are relatively easy. There's jump squats, jump rope (without the rope) jumping jacks, mountain climbers, burpees. They put a lot of recovery marching in between the high intensity stuff so you do have time to catch your breath.

How I felt: I told myself that, no matter what, I wasn't going to sit down during the workout and I didn't. So, I'm pretty proud of that. At one point my chest hurt really badly and that was a bit worrying. But it passed pretty quickly. It's something that I will have to be mindful of in the future, though.

All in all, I think this is a good workout for me to start with after a long period of no excercise. Looking forward to doing it a couple more times during the week.

Week 1 Fitness Challenge Workout

Today's Fitness Inspo Pic

Here's the breakdown of the workouts I will be doing this week for the fitness challenge. My plan is to alternate between strength training and cardio

Day 1: Cardio: The Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn 

Day 2: Fitness Blender's Weight Training Workout For Weight Loss

Day 3 : Cardio:  The Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn

Day 4: Toning: Ballet Barre Workout
Day 5: Cardio:  The Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn

Day 6: Functional Strength Training: Beginner Plyometrics
Day 7: Cardio:  The Enviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn

Day 8: Yoga